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"Our Mission is to be Christ centered, disciple driven and community minded."

The Tabernacle Baptist Church was founded and organized in 1930 by the Late Reverend William A. Fludd and his wife, Mattie D. Fludd. The first site for the church was in the "Masons' Hall" which was located at 421 First Street, Southwest in Washington, D.C. In the late 1930's the church relocated to 323 D Street, Southwest and then to 421 First Street.  

Willie W. Flood, grandson of Reverend William A. Fludd, moved from South Carolina to Washington, D.C. where he joined the Tabernacle Baptist Church and served as a deacon. In 1939 Willie W. Flood received and answered his calling to the ministry and there, was licensed and ordained to preach the gospel.


In the early 1940's the church moved to 4th & K Street, Southwest and in the late 1940's the church relocated to M Street in Southwest and in the early 1950's the church again relocated, moving from Southwest to 1418 Perry Place, Northwest.

Worship services continued under the leadership of Reverend William A. Fludd until his passing away in 1959. Reverend Willie W. Flood assumed pastorate of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. As he faithfully led his congregation, many projects and auxiliaries were established under the leadership of Reverend Willie W. Flood which included the Building Fund, Missionary Society, Deacon and Deaconess Boards, Senior Choir, and Junior Choir.


The Building Fund was established in 1960 for the purpose of raising funds to move into a new building. Dinners were sold at the Farmer’s Market under the direction of the First Lady, Mother Elaine Flood who spearheaded the project with the support of Reverend Willie W. Flood and several church members, including members: Sister Elise Brown, Sis. Lottie Flood and Bro. Wilbert Silver. With the Building Fund and supplemental monies, a new church building was purchased in 1966. Reverend Willie W. Flood and his devoted congregation relocated from 1418 Perry Place, Northwest to their new church site at 4101 First Street, Southeast. This marked a significant milestone and was notably the most important move in the church's history. With this move the church was renamed and opened its doors as the Southeast Tabernacle Baptist Church.


Many families from the southeast community (Lawsons, Glenns, Huncuckers visited and subsequently joined the church. Thus, the church was blessed with an increase in membership. This also resulted in the growth of present church groups and the formation of new auxiliaries. The church continues to move forward and upward endeavoring to expand the facilities as well as the membership and services. Thus, the church, which at that time was a ground level facility, embarked on the expansion and elevation of its building. The vision* was that of a "New Building." On September 13, 1992 members gathered for the groundbreaking of the new building.


October 27, 1996 marked another significant milestone in the history of the church- This was a day of jubilation as the church first occupied the new building, a beautiful, spacious, brilliantly lit edifice. The Annual Men's Day morning and afternoon services were the first worship services held in the sanctuary. 

For the past 52 years the church has worked faithfully and diligently under the devoted leadership of Reverend Willie W. Flood (1959–2012), Reverend Daryl H. Flood (2012–2017), Reverend Donald. L. Isaac (2017–present) to maintain an uninterrupted presence in the southeast community. 

4101 First Street Southeast
Washington, DC, 20032
United States


May God be with you!

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